These instruments measure anxiety or stress in a variety of situations including test anxiety, school-related stress, and anxiety as a state-like and trait-like construct. Many of these instruments are complimented by reports or workbooks that provide tips and exercises to manage stress and anxiety.
Anxiety is an unpleasant feeling that we all experience at times. It is an emotional signal and useful tool that occurs when we sense some type of threat. Under these conditions, the body will prepare for what is called the “fight or flight” response. Having this response to threats was necessary for prehistoric humans to be prepared to run away from a threat (such as a group of predatory animals) or confront and fight off a threat (such as a lone predatory animal). Today, we do not have those same needs in order to ensure our survival. In fact, “fight or flight” is not a useful response to modern stressors like work or financial pressure.
It is important to remember that anxiety is a normal reaction to stress and situations in life. Some symptoms of anxiety include: increased heart rate, worrying for long periods of time, and the tendency to avoid doing things because you are worried about the outcome. These are all symptoms of non-clinical levels of anxiety. If anxiety becomes strong, it can hinder productivity. If it becomes extreme, it can paralyze you.