State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children


Authors: Charles D. Spielberger, C.D. Edwards, J. Montuori, & R. Lushene

The STAI-CH is the definitive instrument for measuring anxiety in children. Based on the same theory as the STAI, the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (STAI-CH) distinguishes between a general proneness to anxious behavior rooted in the personality and anxiety as a fleeting emotional state. The instrument is designed to be used with upper elementary or junior high school aged children and consists of two twenty-item scales. The measure is easy to read and can be administered verbally to younger children.

Copyright © 1970 by Charles D. Spielberger

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  • $50.00
    Includes details on reliability, validity, scoring, etc. and a review-only copy of the STAI-CH form. PDFs are not refundable.
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  • $2.75
    Minimum purchase of 50. Allows you to administer the STAI-CH as an online survey via a non-Mind Garden survey system or as a paper and pencil survey. The downloadable PDF file includes one copy of the STAI-CH, scoring key, and permission to administer the STAI-CH up to the quantity purchased. The PDF is non-refundable.
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  • $60.00
    Includes details on reliability, validity, scoring, etc. and a review-only copy of the STAI-CH form. This is a paper product. The manual will be printed, bound, and shipped to you (FedEx shipping costs apply).
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Features of the STAI-CH

Purpose: Measure anxiety in children.

Length: 40 items

Average completion time: 20 minutes

Target population: 4th grade reading level and higher

Adminstration: For individual or group administration. The measure can be administered verbally to younger children.

Norms available in Manual:

Norm Groups: Fourth, fifth, and sixth grade elementary school children (two large samples in six different schools).

Norm Tables: Fourth, fifth and sixth grade elementary school children (reported by gender and by grade level).

Uses of the STAI-CH

  • Psychological and health research of children
  • Clinical diagnosis of children
  • Differentiating anxiety from depression in children
  • Assessment of clinical anxiety in medical, surgical, psychosomatic, and psychiatric child patients


STAI-CH State Anxiety

  • Evaluates how respondents felt at a particular time in the recent past and how they anticipate they will feel either in a specific situation that is likely to be encountered in the future or in a variety of hypothetical situations.
  • Scores can be used to determine actual levels of S-Anxiety intensity, as an index of drive level, or as an indicator of changes in transitory anxiety experienced by children in counseling, psychotherapy, and behavior-modification programs.
  • Assesses the level induced by stressful experimental procedures and by unavoidable real-life stressors such as school integration, examinations, dental treatment or imminent surgery.

STAI-CH Trait Anxiety

  • Proven useful for identifying children with high levels of neurotic anxiety and for selecting subjects for psychological experiments who differ in motivation or drive level.
  • Evaluates the immediate and long-term effectiveness of clinical treatment procedures designed to reduce neurotic anxiety in children.

If you are unable to find the translation you need, you can request permission to make a translation.

Available with STAI-CH License to Administer:
These translations are available free of charge with your purchase of the license. Translations are provided in a separate pdf-format file. Select the language from the Translation drop-down list. Need multiple translations? Contact us.

  • Arabic
  • Cambodian
  • Chinese (Mandarin)
  • Croatian
  • Czech
  • Danish
  • Farsi
  • Finnish
  • French--Canada
  • German
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  • Hindi
  • Hungarian
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  • Norwegian
  • Polish
  • Portuguese
  • Portuguese--Brazil
  • Romanian
  • Russian
  • Slovak
  • Spanish
  • Swedish
  • Tagalog
  • Thai
  • Turkish - Form C-1 only

Note: We cannot assure translation quality — many are made by individual researchers and we are not necessarily familiar with the particular language or dialect. Some of the translations are partial and typically do not have validation data. Basically, we offer whatever is available to facilitate your work.

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