Body Insight Scale Measures awareness of internal and external bodily sensations that support comfort, health, and overall well-being.
Enright Forgiveness Inventory An objective measure of the degree to which a person forgives another person, group or entity that has hurt him or her deeply and unfairly.
Hassles & Uplifts An alternative to the traditional life events approach to measuring stressors.
Health & Daily Living Form A structured assessment for patient and community groups that assesses health related factors such as alcohol consumption, sunstance abuse, and depression.
Marital Attitudes Evaluation Designed to explore the relationship between spouses or other closely related persons. It is an excellent resource for marriage, school and relationship counseling.
Perceived Stress Scale The most widely used psychological instrument for measuring the perception of stress. It is a measure of the degree to which situations in one’s life are appraised as stressful.
Personality Adjective Check List The PACL is a 153-item self-report and rating measure of Theodore Millon's eight basic personality patterns for use with normal adults and counseling or psychotherapy clients.
Psychological Distress Profile A brief and effective measure of four common domains of psychological distress: Depression, Hopelessness, Anxiety, and Anger.
State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Adults™ The STAI Form Y is the definitive instrument for measuring anxiety in adults. It clearly differentiates between the temporary condition of “state anxiety” and the more general and long-standing quality of “trait anxiety”.
Ways of Coping Questionnaire The premier measurement of coping: measures the thoughts and actions people use to handle stressful situations.